I want to make clear that I was not for one nano-second denying the genoicdal
nature of Nazism. I am well aware that the crimes of the Third Reich are even m
more inhumane then anything that happened under Stalin or Mao. The Nazis plan
was to wipe entire races off the face of the earth, and were quite willing to
murder babies toward that end. They killed most of the Jews under their rule,
and if allowed to complete their task, they no doubt would have turned on still
other peoples. It is not very difficult to imagine what the fact of the African
people would have been if the Nazis had overrun that continent. If English,
French, Portugese, and Belgian colonialism was oppressive, the Nazi version
would have been a thousand times worse.

When I equate Communism (allright, Leninsim), and Fascism, I only mean to point
 out that the end result of both has been the death of millions. I am not
an apologist for current American capitalism; if I were I would not be reading
this BBS. I deplore the destruction of the labor movement, and the mass re-
distribution of wealth upward. It's just that I do not beleive that any of the
examples  of "socialist" countries that we have seen offer any sort of blue
print for a humane society.  Our only hope, I beleive, is a capitalism, that
can somehow be tamed into serving the needs of society. Germany, France, the
Netherlands and Scandanavia give me much more hope than do North Korea, Cuba,
or the Wall Street Peoples Republic of China.

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