Date:    Wed, 18 Jun 97 09:59 LCL
From:    PHILLPS
Subject: Political Economy Programs

In response to the falling off of enrollment in economics programs across
Canada and at our university, some of us are pushing for the establishment
of an alternative political economy stream.  We have a strong contingent
of politcal economists in the department and already offer courses in
alternative macro (post keynsian/marxian> and micro (neo-ricardian/
marxian> as well as courses in Marxian economics and a number of
institutional based courses.  However, we still require our students
to take calculus, econometrics, orthodox neoclassical micro and
new-keynesian macro.
  What we have found is that a number of students -- including a
disturbing proportion of our best students,
are rejecting our honours and graduate programs because they feel
that orthodox economics (applied mathematics) is basically irrelevant
and becoming less and less marketable in the job market.  The spate of
articles recently in journals and in the Globe and Mail about the
irrelevance of contemporary economics is increasingly being reflected
in student attitudes, not to mention employers, politicians and the
general public.  This is the reason for our renewed interest in starting
an alternative stream.

This is all a prelude to a request:  Could all of you who have
polical economy programs at your university send me a brief outline
including required courses, program requirements, graduate programs,
etc., either by e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]> or by snail-mail
at Paul Phillips
   Department of Economics,
   University College,
   University of Manitoba,
   Winnipeg, Manitoba,
   Canada. R3T 2M8


Paul Phillips

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