> >> From: Seth Klein, Coordinator, CCPA - BC Office
> >>
> >> RE: APEC
> >>
> >> The APEC leaders summit will take place in Vancouver this November.
> >> A parallel People's Summit on APEC will also be taking place
> >> between Nov. 19 and 24, during which a number of issue forums will occur.
> >> One of those forums will be a research forum.
> >>
> >> We would like to know who amoung who is doing research (or planning to do
> >> research) related to APEC. Are you researching trade liberalization, lesson
> >> from NAFTA/FTA, the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, or APEC
> >> specifically? The CCPA and the organizers of the research forum may be
> >> interested in publishing your work, or in having it presented at the
> >> research forum.
> >>
> >> If you are doing APEC-related work, please email me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Seth Klein
> >>
> >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >> Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
> >> 804-251 Laurier Ave. W. Ottawa, ON  K1P 5J6
> >> e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> www: http://www.policyalternatives.ca
> >>
> >>
> >>

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