Import prices increased 0.4 percent in June for the first monthly 
upturn since December, BLS reports.   The cost of goods exported from 
the United States slipped 0.1 percent, continuing a three-month string 
of declines ....(Daily Labor Report, page D-1)_____Pricing trends may 
work to narrow the trade imbalance soon, says the Wall Street Journal 
in an article on the trade gap in May (page A2).  According to a 
report by the Labor Department, prices for imports rose 0.4 percent in 
June, the first monthly increase this year, while export prices fell 
0.1 percent, the third decline in a row ....

Just as in the economy overall, employment in U.S. high-technology 
industries has shifted substantially away from manufacturing and 
toward services, according to a study recently published by BLS. 
 Factory payrolls in this sector have declined since the late 1980s. 
 "The industrial composition of employment in R&D-intensive 
high-technology industries is shifting dramatically toward services 
industries, as employment in R&D-intensive, defense-dependent 
manufacturing industries declines and employment in civilian high-tech 
manufacturing remains essentially static," concludes William Luker Jr. 
and Donald Lyons in the June issue of BLS's Monthly Labor Review 
....(Daily Labor Report, pages A-14, text E-1).

Many focus on deflation, says the "Commodities" column in the Wall 
Street Journal (page C1).  As prices for many commodities around the 
globe slide, some economists predict that supply will continue to 
outstrip demand, despite a healthy global economy, driving prices even 
lower ...."If you look at goods and forget about services, we're 
moving toward deflation," says a Merrill Lynch economist ....Analysts 
point out that, at least in the U.S. economy, there is today far more 
emphasis on knowledge-based industries and service industries than on 
materials industries.  While soybeans and gold may be falling, prices 
for any number of services are rising, albeit slowly ....And some 
commodity analysts predict that recent deflationary trends in 
materials will turn around and soon be forgotten ....

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers: 
Second Quarter 1997

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