Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 10:15:48 -0700
Subject: TORTURE in Israel - Systematic and "Legal" - MER FlashBack

News, Views & Analysis They Don't Want You To Know
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[MER - Torture of Palestinians is not only routine and systematic,
in it actually sanctioned by the Israeli legal system that has 
been twisted to serve Israeli policies.  Going back to the 
Shinbet scandal of the early 1980's, even more sadistic forms
of torture have given way to the kinds of 'legalized' torture
methods outlined in this important article from one of the few
independent and courageous media sources in Israel, The 
Alternative Information Center (AIC).
   Among the reasons the Israelis get away with such systematic
torture of Palestinians is that hardly anyone is willing to 
protest.  The so-called "Palestinian Authority" practices similar
and even worse torture techniques, as do nearly all of the Arab
governments in the region -- so they are hardly in a position
to protest.  And the "liberal" American Jewish community has
been morally bankrupt about such issues for so long now that to 
speak up at this point would be to condemn themselves for 
permitting, and even encouraging in many cases, such Nazi-like 
behavior by the Israelis for decades.
   This report was first distributed by MER in January.  The
subsquent report about torture in Israel by Steve Kroft on the 
popular 60-Minutes CBS program was more whitewash than truthful,
even though it was pointed out that Israel is the only State in 
the world that officially sanctions torture (in the form of 
'moderate physical pressure) in its legal system].

              A Shining Light Unto Nations?

     "The entire Israeli establishment countenances torture..." 

First, his head is covered with a thick rancid sack. It's difficult 
to breathe. Handcuffed, he is bound in a twisted position to a 
kindergarten chair with hardly any back support and held there for 
four days straight.  Every time his head falls when sleep overcomes 
him, he is slapped on his face to wake up. Maybe on the
fifth day the handcuffs are removed and he is allowed to sleep in 
a tiny windowless cell. Music is blaring in the cell around the 
clock. It is difficult to sleep with noise and the constant glare 
of the shining fluorescent light. On the sixth or seventh day, 
his head is covered again with the rancid sack, but this time,
he is chained to a pole in the corridor and made to stand there for
four more days. Or perhaps, he is handcuffed to a hook a meter from 
the ground and is forced to squat for three days; three days
continuously that is. Or he is undressed and made to sit in front of 
a blasting air-conditioner for hours.  There is no sleep. His hands 
are swollen from the tight handcuffs; he is vomiting from the 
prolonged contorted position he is held in. He smells, unshaven, 
he wants to sleep.

This is "moderate physical pressure" under Israeli law and it is 
legal. Under international law this is torture and is completely 
prohibited at all times. This "moderate physical pressure" is 
routinely used by the Israeli secret police ("GSS") to extract 
confessions from Palestinian detainees under interrogation. The UN
Convention Against Torture, of which Israel is a signatory, states
that the use of any physical or psychological pressure which causes
pain or humiliation is absolutely prohibited at all times.

What constitutes torture and degrading treatment is subjective --
determined by the victims sensation of the physical and mental 
pain caused to him. Sitting in front of cold air may not on its 
face compare to torture methods like electric shock, but after 
two weeks of little sleep and sitting in contorted positions,
undressed in the middle of the rainy winter, 12 hours of the "air
conditioner" feels like hell. One detainee described it as 
"putting the air in a state of war with me".

Despite the prohibitions under international law, the entire 
Israeli establishment countenances torture: The Israeli military 
courts routinely disregard claims of torture and extend the 
interrogations until the Israeli secret police finish the 
interrogation; the Ministry of Justice defends the torture 
in the Israeli High Court of Justice; the High Court of Justice
itself puts the stamp of approval on the torture often rejecting
petitions that request the court to order the GSS to cease the 
torture; the Israeli Knesset Ministerial Committee (composed 
of members of the Labor and Zionist Left parties including Yossi
Sarid) consistently renews the license to the GSS Director 
granting him total discretion to determine when torture beyond 
"moderate physical pressure" can be used.

The GSS Director has just given his okay for the torture to go 
"beyond moderate physical pressure". The detainee is grabbed by 
the shoulders or by his collar and shaken violently for seconds 
or minutes. His head convulses, rattled back and forth, incessantly,
it feels as if it will fly off, he loses his stand, dizziness 
overtakes him, his body is on fire. Sometimes he falls unconscious; 
sometimes he just falls to the ground.  Or maybe he is beaten.

No one knows what methods constitute "moderate physical pressure" 
or "beyond moderate physical pressure" since GSS activities and 
methods are secret and unreviewable by the public. The information
we know is derived solely from testimony of former torture victims.

       The Perversion of the Israeli Legal System

Two weeks ago, the Israeli High Court of Justice, lead by Justice 
Aaron Barak, ruled that Muhammed Hamdan, a student from Bir Zeit 
University, could continue to be tortured. The Court deferred to the
secret police's "ticking bomb" argument -- that torture was necessary
to uncover information to an imminent bomb attack. This despite the 
absolute prohibition against torture under international law and
the fact that the imminence was doubtful -- Hamdan had been in Israeli
custody for over a month. The High Court gave such deference to the 
secret police, that one of the justices, Michael Cheshin, rebuked
Hamdan's lawyer as immoral for petitioning the court to stop the

Later on that week, the High Court rejected another petition to order
the secret police to stop using torture. In this case, the court 
ruled that the secret police could continue to deprive Khader 
Mubarek -- another victim -- of sleep and to cover his head 
continuously with a rancid sack. The court refused to issue a 
temporary order to halt the use of moderate physical pressure
during the interrogation, but ordered the secret police to 
refrain from placing Mubarek in painful sitting positions.

The High Court's decisions sanctioning torture demonstrate how 
perverted the Israeli legal system has become. In the name of 
preserving Israel's "democracy" and existence, the High Court 
of Justice routinely sanctions trespass on the liberal 
states most cherished assets -- one's body and ones liberty.
Justice Aaron Barak -- the President of Israel's Supreme Court, 
the same justice that is invited and honored by Harvard and 
Yale Law Schools and the American Bar Association as a leading 
liberal legal-jurisprudence thinker -- is also the Justice who 
permits the GSS to torture, physically and mentally degrade others.

Instead of remaining true to the two most alienable principles of 
most legal systems -- the presumption of innocence and the right
to remain silent -- Israeli justices and judges allow the GSS 
to treat every Palestinian under interrogation as a convicted 
terrorist and to torture him until he talks. Judge Shlomo
Issacson, President of the Ramallah military court and a religious
Jew, ruled once that the Palestinian detainee in front of him 
deserved the "difficult" interrogation because he had chosen 
to remain silent and was not "cooperating with the interrogators"
i.e. confessing. He extended the detainee's interrogation for
another 14 days with full knowledge that he was returning the 
detainee to another round of torture.2  Torture corrupts both 
the victim and the torturer. Just as the victim remains 
psychologically and, at times, physically scarred by his 
traumatic experience, the torturer is mentally corrupted from 
dehumanizing his suspect and benefiting from his pain and 
suffering. The GSS torture has already corrupted the Israeli legal
system. Cloaking themselves in the moral high ground of security 
and protecting Israel's democratic existence, these justices and 
judges pervert all principles of human dignity and liberty and 
corrode the very foundation and raison d'etre of a democratic 
legal system. By continuing to permit and defend torture in all 
its forms, these justices and judges have become a threat
to the same liberal and free principles that they were appointed
to protect.

"When the state itself beats and extorts, it cannot longer be said 
to rest on foundations of morality and justice, but rather on 
force . . . Just as this situation is one of coercion and 
submission, so the state itself, which permits it, becomes a state
of coercion and submission. When a state employs forceful means
which no ends can justify, such as torture, it reduces the moral
distance between a governmental act and a criminal act. . .".3


1 Despite the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the West Bank cities, the
Israelis continue to operate military courts all over the Occupied
Territories. The Gaza military court still functions today as well.

2 In many cases where the GSS cannot obtain a confession because the
detainee kept silent, or where the GSS lacks sufficient evidence to
bring charges, the detainee is not released but rather sent to
administrative detention. The detention is then approved by another
military judge and is extended periodically by the military commander
upon the approval of the civil administrations legal advisor.

3 Kremnitzer, Mordechai, "The Landau Commission Report -- Was the
Security Service Subordinated to the Law, or the Law to the 'Needs' of
the Security Service?", Israel Law Review, Vol. 23, No. 2-3 1989, at


Prepared by Allegra Pacheco.  Pacheco is an Israeli lawyer at the
Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights (LAWE) and is a
member of the Hebron Solidarity Committee 

From: NEWS FROM WITHIN December 1996 published by the Alternative
Information Center in Jerusalem --


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