KARL: Hi Wojtek!

WOJTEK: In fact, if we take the petty bourgeois morality out of the
prostitution is work just as any other work, except that a prostitute
the means of production, and under most circumstances she is paid for
"product" rather than for the time.  These arrangements may vary,
In case of "Comfort Women" or Asiatic forms of sex work in general,
women are held in some form of capitivity or debt slavery, their work
more like hiring a labourer who must toil for the capitalit for a fixed
period of time during which the capitalist squeezes as much use value
out of
the worker as possible.

KARL: A prostitute sells her/his body in the form of "rent".
This means that she sells her body piece meal over a sustained period.
Her body is the commodity. The purchaser of her body uses it as a use
value after it has left exchange process. In this sense she is a simple
commodity producer: an independent commodity producer.


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