Hundreds of union members from a cross-section of the local labor movement
rallied outside the large UPS facility in Oakland, CA late Thursday
afternoon.  The rally was organized hastily by Teamsters Locals 70 and 78.
The considerable turnout was organized largely by word of mouth, as there
was little time for publicity.  There were no flyers.  Yet union members
came.  There were phone company workers, the building trades, teachers,
hospital workers, transport workers, dockworkers, and many more.   The rally
was joined by a members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.  Despite a
court injunction limiting picketing to 8 pickets at the gate, scab-managers
who returned their trucks to the facility received a "lively" reception from
a large crowd assembled near the gate.  The Oakland Police had a token
presence and remained at some distance.  Local 70 set up a portable BBQ pit
and served burgers; two staff members of SEIU Local 250 showed up with two
huge pots of chile. 

Now that the strikers are settling in for the long haul, the Teamsters will
have to confront the myriad of problems that any strike must address --
urgent bills, loan and mortage payments, rent payments, groceries, medical
care.  Strike benefits of $55 per week will not cover much more than some
groceries for most families.  One of the most urgent concerns is what to do
when the medical coverage lapses at the end of the month.  This is one
problem that other unions can help solve.  Unions representing workers in
the healthcare industry should consider how their members and sympathetic
doctors with whom they work might provide basic health services to strikers
for the duration of the strike.  Perhaps free screening clinics could be set
up a couple times each week at Teamster halls, staffed by volunteer nurses
who could then refer those who need special attention to an appropriate
volunteer doctor, physical therapist or other medical worker.

If you have a idea or experience to share, make it available to others.
Lots of great solidarity work goes on; let's report it here so everyone else
will know about it.

In solidarity,

"UPS is definitely DOWN!"

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