Teamsters News Release
Wednesday, August 6, 1997 

                              MEDIA UPDATE ON TEAMSTER UPS STRIKE 

These are some developments in the Teamster strike against UPS: 

Postal Workers Support Striking Teamsters by Refusing to Allow Postal
Service to Hire Emergency Workers

Postal workers are standing behind striking Teamsters at United Parcel
Service by refusing a request from the U.S. Postal Service to hire emergency
temporary workers to help handle the increased volume resulting from the
shutdown of UPS. 

"We fully support the Teamsters in their struggle with UPS for good,
full-time jobs for working  families," said Moe Biller, president of the
American Postal Workers Union. "There will be no waiver granted by the APWU
to the Postal Service to increase the use and number of casuals at the
national or local level." 

Under the APWU contract, the union has the right to approve the hiring of
casual -- or temporary -- workers. 

Carey, AFL-CIO Pres. Sweeney Walk Picket Line in Chicago

Teamsters President Ron Carey today was joined at a Chicago UPS picket line
by AFL-CIO  resident John Sweeney and other leaders of America's major
unions. Sweeney said, "The driving issues behind this strike reach directly
into the living rooms and the pocketbooks of every working family in America." 

Fedex Workers Rally at UPS Picket Line

Indianapolis Federal Express workers involved in an ongoing campaign to
organize with the Teamsters Union are joining UPS workers on the picket line
today in Indianapolis at 4:00 p.m. 

"The UPS Teamsters are fighting for us, too, " said Leanna Cochran, a FedEx
worker who's leading the drive to organize the delivery giant in
Indianapolis. "We have to stop big companies from shifting to throwaway jobs
that don't provide decent wages or the security our families need." 

Houston Police Announce "Zero Tolerance" for Management-Driven UPS Trucks

Houston police officers, members of the Houston Police Patrolmen's Union,
announced today that they would be on the lookout for UPS trucks driven by
management personnel and would pull them over for any violations. "Once the
HPPU member gets the vehicle stopped they are instructed to go into a 'zero
tolerance' mode and cite each and every violation of the law they find," the
union said in a statement. 

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