Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- The south Korean "civilian" fascist
clique, at the puppet Seoul district court on Monday, staged a trial
of students prosecuted for the inauguration of the fifth-term South
Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) and
demanded prison terms ranging from two to five years for twelve
students, according to a radio report from Seoul. The trial was the
first for 289 students referred to trial and the fascist clique have
decided to conduct a trial of some ten students almost every day to
finish all the trials by the end of August, said the radio. In this
way, the Kim Young Sam clique want to prevent activities of students
and people which are likely to be conducted with the approach of the
anniversary of National Liberation, August 15. But it is a foolish


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

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