> From:          "William S. Lear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:       [PEN-L:11514] Re: Home Mortgage Deduction

> On Tue, July 29, 1997 at 16:28:27 (-0700) Max B. Sawicky writes:
> >All you are doing is asserting that private ownership 
> >of any substantial body of capital inexorably implies
> >all the evil deeds to which you refer, then you're trying
> >to cast moral implications on my expected (and accurately
> >so) refusal to swallow this assertion.
> Assertion with the benefit of history, yes.  You have a nice way of
> waving away the past: "All you are doing is asserting that segregation
> of any substantial body of blacks inexorably implies all the evil
> deeds...".  Yes, today's capitalism---not yesterday's---is based upon

I said "capital," and you translated my words, with quotes,
as "segregation," as if to imply I regarded the latter as not
necessarily evil.  Really!

> an enormous legacy of theft and violence that didn't come to pass in
> some dusty antiquity.  Did you think that railroads,
> telecommunications, oil companies, AT&T, Nike, etc. just grew from the
> wholesome sweat of a few provident workers who tucked their savings
> away to one day fund these immense projects?  Does Taylorism

No, but so what?

> ("scientific" management) and the associated transformation of the
> education system to serve up "properly" skilled and obedient workers,
> as David Noble outlines, not figure into this in the least?
> >Did you have a real question?
> My, how impressive, and gosh, unexpected---another ad hominem blast
> from Max.

For the crime of not being your kind of socialist,
you paint me with indifference to historic oppression,
tyranny, slavery, segregation, etc., and than as the inevitable
source of "ad hominem" remarks.  You are a piece of work.


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