>Dear Penlrs,
>I'm starting a new research project, and I need to get up to speed on the
>latest thinking about sustainable development.  Anybody have any reading
>suggestions (particularly things I can find on-line, since the libraries in
>Syracuse are fairly limited)?  I'm trying to use ecology / sustainable
>development as a metaphor.  Also, has anyone in economics done research
>using complexity theory that's reasonably accessible?  I know Kenneth Arrow
>was doing some work, but I was curious who else has done interesting research.
>Anders Schneiderman
>Progressive Communications

Check out HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT, 1996 by the United Nations. It contains
sections and articles about sustainable economic development.


+Fikret Ceyhun                                  voice:  (701)777-3348 work +
+Dept. of Economics                                     (701)772-5135 home +
+Univ. of North Dakota                          fax:    (701)777-5099      +
+University Station, Box 8369            e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
+Grand Forks, ND 58202/USA                                                 +

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