
Others have said it, but I will add my voice to theirs.  You have done a
fine job of keeping this list moving forward (even when it does so by
stumbling) without exercising an overly heavy hand.  I have been in the past
an advocate of the liberal use of the delete key as a remedy to noxious or
worthless posts, but to what extent does the list have to subject itself to
personal invective and sexist abuse in the name of "free speech"?  Karl
seems to me to be a deeply disturbed individual with whom it is very
difficult, if impossible, to conduct a substantive respectful dialogue or to
express principled differences.  When I challenged some of his sexist
ravings I, in turn, became the target of his verbal abuse.  I can tolerate
that to a point and tried to refrain from merely responding in kind.  But
here is why I believe you made the right decision.  There are all too few
women who participate regularly in these discussions.  Maggie is one of the
few, and I almost always enjoy and learn from her contributions.  The
presence of such a venomous sexist on this list will make it all the more
likely that women who have subscribed will simply drop away, or the few who
are willing to post will shrink from doing so.  Why should they have to
endure repeated abuse simply because someone chooses to take advantage of
opportunities presented by open subscription.  As list moderator, you showed
patience and toleration and then exercised your responsibility.  Otherwise,
what is the point have having a moderated list at all?  If, rather than
sexism, Karl had expressed equally damaging racism, would those who have
spoken in favor of allowing him to remain continue to be so inclined?  Karl
and others like him have many venues on the Internet to spew their hurtful
vituperation.  This list does not have to be one of them.

in solidarity,

At 08:32 AM 7/7/97 -0700, Michael Perelman wrote:
>I do not consider the fate of Karl to be censorship.  I don't think that
>anyone on this list disagrees with everything on this list.
>I had already written to Karl on the list about his style of behavior --
>not his opinions.  I am more concerned about maintaining a satisfactory
>signal-noise ratio.
>I am sorry that my action has upset some people.
>Michael Perelman
>Economics Department
>California State University
>Chico, CA 95929
>Tel. 916-898-5321

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