>The real puzzle remains the
>black culture of overachievement.

Just to add to Rakesh's points: It is standard practice now to assess IQ
using a series of six or seven tests, each of which look at a different form
of intelligence (intuitive, mathematical, artistic, etc.).  The Bell Curve
only looks at the kind of intelligence testing developed about 40-50 years
ago, and this test as a stand alone measure has been discredited for years.
 (I got all this from a friend of mind who has a phd in psychiatry.)
 Further, it has been recognized for years that children with alot of stress
in their lives--either from abusive homes, or from poor living conditions, or
from inadequate schooling--do less well on all the battery of iq tests
because there is a strong emotional element in all intelligence.  i.e., happy
people do better on all tests.  Finally, there is a strong age component to
intelligence, we all test at different levels at different ages, with
adulthood adding as much as 10-20 points to most peoples iq tests.
maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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