Now Max thought that
>.  It would follow
>that to improve the gene pool, when the nubile daughters of
>gentiles come of age they should be impregnated by Jews of Eastern
>European descent with Ph.D's.  Actual marriage, of course, would not
>be necessary because nature overrules nurture.

Anything to justify that shicksa (sp?) fever?!

Actually black overperformance on IQ tests given the disadvantages of
wealth poverty and persistent racism suggests, if anything, black genetic
superiority; so the best way to improve the gene pool may be national
miscegenation with blacks. Or maybe Jewish and Black child-bearing should
be supported by a tax credit (those nubile gentile daughters may not be the
best eugenic move, though it is not clear to me why you assume so)?

More seriously, only 2% of black women marry out, about 20x less the rate
of any other so-called ethno-racial group. This may be a very important
reason for the wealth poverty of Afro-Americans (though it is not
considered even by Oliver and Shapiro); moreover, those non-blacks who do
marry out may be disinherited, while the children with more than that one
drop will be counted as black and thus bring no more wealth into the black
community. To the extent that marriage and discriminatory inheritance
practices are not a policy variable, they tend not be considered by the
policy-relevant social sciences as an explanation for unequal wealth


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