Silkwood -- labor process in the nuclear power industry, corporate 
surveillance and intimidation, and betrayl by cynical and slick liberal 
D.C. advocacy lawyers (a Hollywood flick w/o grotesquely Hollywood 
production values or plot twists) ...

John Gulick
P.S. Karl, if you're going to get on my case about endorsing the 
consumption of an exchange value and hence reproducing capital lemme just 
say that I admire your anarcho-syndicalism but I don't confuse my own 
predilection for philosophico-practical purity w/real politics, and in 
fact, avoid real politics by in large b/c of this predilection ... 
nonetheless, and here I go again, radicals should have a long-term eye 
not on better compensating and reallocating alienated labor, but on 
abolishing alienated labor, and, indeed, much of "productive" labor 
altogether, since a great deal of it is socially unnecessary and 
ecologically irrational ... but there is one hell of a here to there 
question which I won't even pretend to answer ...

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