COLIN: I'm agreed that the euro is a terrible idea (both because it
enforces a Europe-wide recession aimed at forcing down real wages
and because I don't think the undermining of lender-of-last-resort
functions has been considered seriously enough).  So this has been a
week of unbounded Schadenfreude over Juppe's defeat and Kohl's
reversal at the hands of the Bundesbank.  But the period of
preparation for the euro is also unpleasant, at least in employment
and growth terms.  Surely it would be better to advocate scrapping
than postponing the project.

KARL: The bullshit on this list is phenomenal. To talk about the Euro 
being a terrible idea is absusrd. It is like saying that one kind of 
money is better than another kind. That a local currency is better 
and kinder than a common international currency. In terms of what 
Colin says this means that one kind of money is kinder to the masses 
than another kind. Did you ever hear such shit. On the basis of this 
logic then bartering is better than money exchange and smaller 
local capitalist firms are better than international  ones.

The point is that in the modern capitalist world all money is essentially 
capitalist money. To argue that one kind of capitalism is better than 
another is to misunderstand the nature of capital and that the task 
of socialism is to prmote the abolition of capital and its money form 
rather than to push for one kind of capitalism as opposed to another.

So cut out the bullshit and abolish neanderthalia on this and other 
                                     Karl Carlile

                          Yours etc.,

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