Just for interest's sake perhaps you'd be amused that I downloaded 
the Pen-L copy of Greider, printed it out, and presented it today to 
two classes of intro econ at the public policy grad school I'm now 
attached to here in Johannesburg. This was to 60 students (95% black) 
with no background in econ and very little handle on the way the world 
economy works. Very intimidated group, but anxious to get literate.

What a good reaction to Greider, and appreciation for his lucid, 
nicely-documented arguments, embedded with the contradictions of K -- 
and for me an easy way to introduce Marx, organic composition of K, 
and overaccumulation plus financial bubbles. Thanks Louis for putting 
it up.


                      Patrick Bond
HOME:                                                WORK:
51 Somerset Road           University of the Witwatersrand
Kensington 2094              Graduate School of Public and
Johannesburg, South Africa          Development Management
Phone:  (2711) 614-8088        2 St.David's Road, Parktown
Work phone:  (2711) 488-5700         Fax:  (2711) 484-2729

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