At 18:04 30/11/97 +0001, Michael P. wrote:
>So long as prices remain somewhat linked to values the price system gives
>capitalists relatively good information about the underlying structure of
>the system.  Over time fictitious capital accumulates and with it, prices
>lose their relationship with values.

Since I don't understand stock market, my question is an innocent question,
and not an attempt to draw anybody in a value theory debate.

I don't understand how 'value theory' and its relation to price is related
to the prices of stock in the stock market? Is there any relation between
stock market ups and downs with the relative price fluctuations of goods
and services? 
Cheers, ajit sinha
>As a result, capitalists miscalculate, making the system increasingly
>Michael Perelman
>Economics Department
>California State University
>Chico, CA 95929
>Tel. 530-898-5321

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