A letter to yesterday's "Manchester Guardian":

The only accurate point in [Guardian reporter] George Monbiot's attack on
my reputation is that, yes, I am a father. But of a 26 month old son rather
than some political conspiracy (Marxist found alive in C4 December 18).
Monbiot is quite entitled to take exception to any of my views on the
environment or on any public issue. What I resent is his style of low-life
journalism which seeks to discredit his intellectual opponents through
attemption to slander their motives.

My interest in party politics of any sort during the past seven years has
been nil. Anyone who has read my last four books would find them difficult
to situate within the Marxist or, for that matter, any political tradition.
I prefer to describe myself as a libertarian humanist, whose main concern
is with the general Culture of Fear that prevails in society.

On my involvement with the so-called conspiratorial programme, Against
Nature: during this summer, I was contacted by the producer's researcher to
discuss the views that I outlined in my book, Population and Development.
After a 45 minute chat in the coffee room of the National Gallery, I agreed
to be interviewed for the programme, later in the year. In early October, I
did a 50 minute interview on the subject of development. I had a cup of
coffee afterwards with the producer and we had an argument about
existential philosophy. I had no idea that I was involved in a political

If the intelorance shown by Monbiot towards his opponents is anything to go
by, then clearly the criticism of environmentalism made by the programme
Against Nature has been vindicated

Dr Frank Furedi Darwin College
University of Kent

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