A faculty member in our Women's Studies cirriculum is on a county gender-
discrimination committee and asked me for a good source on how
discrimination shifts social costs.  She wants to struggle to include one
paragraph on this into the committee's report because most of the
recommendations of the committee to redress discrimination are going to
costs dollars and she would like to balance such recommendations with "if
society doesn't pay these dollars, society pays in other ways".  So, if
anyone has one or at the most two good summary articles on this issue it
would much appreciated.  

An early response would be helpful (best by Friday, December 26).

Thanks, Paul Zarembka

Paul Zarembka, using OS/2 and supporting RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY
at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PZarembka
************************************************************* 12/23/97

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