By Rod Hiebert, President
        Telecommunications Workers Union

Over the last few months, business publications like The Economist 
and Business Week have traced the fragility of the world's stock 
markets and the increasing threat of deflation to the global oversupply 
of cars, computer chips and other manufactured items.  The irony is 
that we have arrived at this dangerous state of affairs thanks to the 
success of free market ideology.

In the drive to improve their competitive positions, each corporation 
has been acting as if it operates in isolation, reducing costs and 
increasing productivity. The underlying assumption is that by doing 
this, they will be able to sell whatever they produce.  Ironically, it is 
this unrelenting effort which has created the deflationary situation that 
business writers are worrying about. Companies are now sitting on 
supplies of products that greatly exceed the demand for them. 

Corporations faced with an oversupply of inventory reduce their 
prices in hopes of selling their products at a lower price than their 
competitors. But their competitors are responding the same way.  
Both the circumstances of this situation and corporations' reaction to 
it are similar to the factors that led the world economy into the Great 
Depression of the 1930s.    

When I was in grade school in the Okanagan, I remember echoing 
my teacher's complaints about anti-competitive fruit marketing boards 
to my dad, who worked in a local fruit packing plant.  He explained to 
me that before there were fruit marketing boards, local farmers 
regularly overproduced the same crop. They would then engage in 
fierce competition, dropping their prices in hopes that they could 
undersell their neighbours.  

In this cutthroat environment, farmers were unable to eke out a 
decent living, let alone recover their costs of production. None of them 
realized that there was only a certain amount of fruit needed and that 
people would not would not significantly increase the amount they 
consumed no matter how much the price of fruit dropped.  I learned 
from my dad that the creation of fruit marketing boards stabilized the 
industry by preventing overproduction as well as the cutthroat pricing 
and destructive competition that went with it. 

In the ensuing years, I have watched governments deregulate entire 
sectors of the economy, including the airline, trucking and telephone 
industries.  In each one, prominent players tried to become the most 
competitive supplier by lowering their costs. In the process they 
generated an oversupply of their products and drove prices down to 
the point where their costs exceeded their revenues.  

In this environment, companies like Greyhound Air offered bargain 
basement prices that seemed too good to be true. They were.  
Greyhound Air recently went bankrupt, along with 200 North 
American airline companies before it. A host of companies have 
suffered a similar fate in other deregulated industries. In this 
ruthlessly competitive atmosphere, countless workers have been laid 
off, with the attendant effects on their families, communities and local 

Our politicians tell us that the loss of workers' jobs and the upheaval 
this causes are part of the sacrifice that is necessary to make their 
industries more productive and internationally competitive. They insist 
that we will all benefit from lower prices and better service. But income 
differentials are larger than at any time since the 1930s, with workers 
over 45 and those coming out of school finding it nearly impossible to 
get jobs that pay more than the minimum wage.  At the same time, 
companies are compromising safety standards and ignoring 
environmental standards as they go all out to reduce their costs.

All this has resulted from the mindless promotion of competition as 
our guiding principle. If our leaders had been paying attention to the 
insights offered by people like my father, they would have realized 
that they are recreating the conditions which led to the crisis of the 

Faced with fallout from the "success" of the competitive model, 
governments are signing deals like the U.S.-Canada Free Trade 
Agreement and N.A.F.T.A. which weaken their ability to control 
corporate behaviour. Now Ottawa wants to go even further by signing 
the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, which will enshrine 
deregulation in an international level trade agreement. Under the 
prevailing circumstances, a further extension of free trade could turn 
the current economic crisis into a world wide depression, as countries 
compete against each other in an insane race to the bottom.

It's time to acknowledge a simple fact: unregulated competition and 
uncontrolled market forces will not build the kind of society we want to 
live in. If we don't admit this and start acting accordingly, Canadians 
may be forced to relive the disaster of the 1930s before they can start 
to deal rationally with our economic problems. 

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