>      Symposium on the New Zealand Employment Contracts Act

Sounds like this symposium has an all-star cast! 

Just to bring matters to do with the ECA up to date a little. The 
government is now considering effectively abolishing the current 
legislated entitlement to three weeks annual leave, by "allowing" 
workers to exchange some or all of their leave for money. This 
naturally will leave workers with low bargaining power with no 
holidays. A similar proposal may do the same for statutory holidays 
such as Christmas day. These are among a number of options in an 
official options paper leaked by the Alliance Party.

There is also a suggestion that employers be entitled to bargain 
directly with workers, completely bypassing the union. 

Doubtless other similar proposals are in store in a review of labour 
legislation currently being carried out by the government, results to 
be announced officially in the next few weeks.


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