On Mon, October 27, 1997 at 16:58:54 (+0000) john gulick writes:
>As many learned observers on this list have noted, U.S. government
>officials in the last few years have come to tout gov't
>deregulation/labor flexibility as the reason why capitalism
>Anglo-American style has outperformed capitalism continental European
>style in recent years (performance of course measured by GDP growth,
>stock prices, etc.).

I can't give you figures about FDI attracted here to the US, for which
I'll wager Doug "Fast Stats" Henwood has an answer, but the above
contention is precisely the opposite of that given by William Lazonick
in his book _Business Organization and the Myth of the Market Economy_
(Cambridge University Press, 1991).  US growth has been eclipsed by
both Germany and Japan (not to mention the Asian "miracles"), who
employ the visible hand much more readily and openly than is done


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