Howard Zimm quoted Marx in the context of his own McCarthy attack (on his
tenure as a professor?). I don't know the original citation, but I dimly
recall the reference can be found (in the forward?) of Zimm's "You can't be
Neutral on a Moving Train". Something to the effect that when asked if he
was a Marxist in a context where dismissal would be the reaction to an
answer in the affirmative, Zimm replied, that he would like to quote the
master himself Karl Marx, "I am not a Marxist." He then goes on to cite the
story of the quote from Karl Marx.

Apparently some useless piece of work mascarading as a revolutionary
invited Marx to attend a meeting of his group; whose principles Marx found
repugnant. The zealot in question then told Marx that he should attend the
meeting of the Marxist group, since he was the founder of Marxism. To which
Karl replied something to the effect, Do you honestly think that the idiocy
you preach and practice is Marxism?
When the zealous one said "Yes", Marx replied "Then I am not a Marxist."

I wasn't there and it could have been said different, but I think that's
the quote you're looking for.

>Has anyone got the reference & context for K Marx's reported
>denial that he was a Marxist?

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