Most of the time, I find Cockburn to be a wonderful voice.  Sometimes,
he can stray off base.

Terrible things were done in Nicaragua -- in part because the left did not
do its part to maintain a dialogue with the Reagan Democrats.  Humor, in
general, and Michael Moore in particular are very useful in that regard.

I suspect that Moore would not be a particularly good leader.  I doubt
that I would agree with him all the time, but we have better things to do
than to snip at each other.

Moore was wrong, I agree, to set Flint vs. Nicaragua as an either or
situation.  He may have some grunds for suggesting that some
[mind you, some] on the left have a tendency to "identify" with people in
far off places without paying attention with problems at home, but none
of us can be active in all the issues at the same time.  

We can't do much about such disputes here on pen-l, but I am saddened to
hear that these two are engaging themselves in a pissing match.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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