For the third time (I've lost this twice!) so I'm going to be very brief:

Local minimum wage data shows a net wash (see Krugger and Scmidt EPI 
report).  living wage bills are targeted 
to place bound large employers over which city has much leverage with 
non-profit pass alongs.  This is excellent emplyment enhancing econ deve 
subsidy which will go to people most in need as opposed to top down 
subsidies trikel down which politicians like as they can support their 
contributors. IN short demand side  multiplier effects outweigh the 
supply side job suppression effects.

        I have text of my testimony to Chicago City Council on this if 
your interested.  At URPE sumer conference Bob (polin) said that his most 
convincing argument in LA was that local profitable and successful employers 
paid the liveing wage.

Best  (so late its usless)!,



Ron Baiman
Dept. of Economics
Roosevelt University    Fax: 312-341-3680
430 South Michigan Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60605 Voice:  312-341-3694


On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, DOUG ORR wrote:

> I have just been drafted to participate in a panel discussing the merits of
> implementing a "livable wage" in Spokane.  The opposition includes a business
> owner (not sure which industry) and the president of the local Chamber of 
> Commerce.
> I feel preety secure going in, but I would like to hear from people who
> may have participated in these debates (Bob Pollin are you there?).  What
> are the arguments from the other side that I should be ready for?  What are
> the most effective arguments in favor.
> Any help I can get before Wed. at noon would be very useful.
> Thanks,
> Doug Orr

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