Midcourse Correction on Midterm Elections? White House Advisors Discuss
Breaking New Ground in "Fast Track" Strategy


Mij Evined, staff reporter

(Washington, DC, Nov. 11, 1997) Informed observers point to a recent change
in the mood at the White House today, after the embarrassing defeat of
President Clinton's bid for "Fast Track" authority, the ability to push
through free trade treaties on a simple up-or-down vote, with no
amendments. "We're shocked, abashed," said White House insider Ricard
Davido. "The President has egg on his face," agreed advisor Smith Adams. A
consensus is growing that President "Fast Track" Bill Clinton's free-trade
train has to change tracks. "Nothing can be ruled out, nothing," noted
Maltom Thusas, a White House lawyer until recently in charge of Lincoln
bedroom bookings. Reacting to the defection of many Democratic Party votes
from the President's cause, and in order to make sure that "Fast Track"
authority gets through, President Clinton is seriously considering
endorsing only the G.O.P. candidates in the 1998 midterm elections...
(Erzatz News Service, Copyright 1997.)
in pen-l solidarity,

"It takes a busload of faith to get by." -- Lou Reed.

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