>     The monarchy had already been overthrown by
>December 1917.  The Duma Lenin shut down was
>not "under the patronage of the monarchy."  The
>electoral winners, were socialists and revolutionary
>ones.  Just a different brand than Lenin's Bolsheviks.
>      Marx praised the direct election of the leaders
>of the Paris Commune. The post-revolutionary election
>of December 1917 cannot be called "bourgeois
>constitutionalism."  This fit Marx's prescription.  But
>Lenin wanted power and he took it.  Much that few
>approve of followed from his assertion of anti-democratic

And, if memory serves, Marx held out hope for revolution by constitutional
means within monarchies during his 1873 speech to the Working Men's
Association at The Hague (I think he cited Britain and The Netherlands -
both constitutional monarchies).


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