> After the debate about China and the WTO, I would like to know
> what Max and Marty advocate regarding the legislation that grant
> more H1B visas for immigrants with skills that employers say they
> cannot find in the U.S. labor force.
> The most telling point I've heard is that the U.S. should have a
> levy on employers that would fund training. The U.S. has plenty
> of capable info-tech workers, but they need fine-tuning in new,
> highly specific topics.
> Are you for or against this legislation?

I'm agin H1B visas.  There should be a training levy w/ or w/o
such visas.  This is a fairly hot issue right now, with software
companies pushing for more visas.

The corps will demand more visas whether or not there are enough
available workers because it helps them to push compensation down
and make non-standard work arrangements more pervasive.


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