> >Media Advisory
> >For Immediate Release
> >February 24th, 1998
> >
> >
> >(Vancouver) Libby Davies, Member of Parliament for Vancouver East, will
> >lead a Citizens' Weapons Inspection Team composed of community and church
> >leaders to search for U.S. weapons of mass destruction suspected to be
> >deployed in neighbouring Washington State.
> >
> >The team's visit to Washington State will occur as nuclear-armed U.S. and
> >British military forces, backed by Canadian forces, stand poised for a
> >military assault against Iraq to enforce U.N. weapons inspections.
> >
> >"Canada should play the role of peacemaker by working to ensure that all
> >weapons of mass destruction are banned," said Libby Davies. "Our team will
> >begin by inspecting the country which possesses thousands of the most
> >deadly weapons ever created - nuclear weapons."
> >
> >Analysts suspect that 1600 active nuclear weapons are based in Washington
> >State - more active weapons than Britain, France, and China combined. The
> >team will focus its inspection on Submarine Base Bangor, the homeport of
> >eight Trident submarines located near Puget Sound, west of Seattle. A
> >Trident submarine can carry 24 missiles and 200 nuclear bombs - enough to
> >destroy an entire country.
> >
> >Joining Libby Davies, M.P., will be Peter Coombes, President of End the
> >Arms Race; Murray Dobbin, National Board Member of The Council of
> >Canadians; Ed Schmitt, Chair of the Peace and Social Justice Committee of
> >the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster; David Morgan, President of
> >Veterans Against Nuclear Arms; and others.
> >
> >The team will depart Vancouver at 7 A.M. Thursday, February 26th, (the same
> >day the H.M.C.S. Toronto arrives in the Persian Gulf). It will be joined by
> >U.S. members at a meeting in Seattle at 11 a.m., and the team will arrive
> >at Submarine Base Bangor at 4:00 p.m.
> >
> >The team has written the base commander requesting full and unconditional
> >access to the site to search for nuclear weapons of mass destruction. "Only
> >rogue states stockpile and conceal weapons of mass destruction," said Peter
> >Coombes. "We expect to be granted our request for an inspection of nuclear
> >weapons deployed on the U.S. submarines."
> >
> >                                     (30)
> >
> >Contact: Libby Davies, Ottawa (613) 992-6030, Vancouver (604) 775-5800.
> >     Jillian Skeet, End the Arms Race at (604) 688-8846.
> >     The team will depart in white vans at 7 A.M. from
> >     1207 Salsbury Drive (at William St. near Commercial Drive).
> >
> >******
> >Suite 405
> >825 Granville Street
> >Vancouver BC V6Z 1K9
> >604/ 687-3223
> >Fax 604/ 687-3277
> >www.peacewire.org
> >
> >President William Jefferson Clinton
> >The White House
> >Washington, D.C.
> >
> >February 24, 1998
> >
> >Mr. President:
> >
> >     End the Arms Race, one of Canada's largest peace and disarmament
> >organizations, is currently working with peace workers in Washington State
> >to organize an international Citizens' Weapons Inspection Team to visit
> >Naval Submarine Base Bangor on Thursday February 26.  We are scheduled to
> >arrive at the Naval Submarine Base Bangor at approximately 4:00 p.m. The
> >team will consist of eight to ten Canadians and will be joined by an equal
> >number of Americans.  Among the Canadian team are prominent community
> >workers and a Member of the Parliament of Canada.
> >
> >We trust that you will take the appropriate action to ensure that our
> >international Citizens' Weapons Inspection Team is given full access to
> >Naval Submarine Base Bangor in Washington State.
> >
> >     The team visiting the area is requesting a brief meeting with the
> >Commanding Officer of Naval Submarine Base Bangor so we can get detailed
> >information regarding its purpose.
> >
> >It is suspected that Submarine Base  Bangor in Washington State is being
> >used to store and deploy weapons of mass destruction.  It is commonly
> >understood that at least eight Trident nuclear submarines are based at
> >Bangor, each with the capacity to carry twenty-four intercontinental
> >ballistic missiles armed with eight nuclear warheads each.
> >
> >     Continuing, indefinite reliance on nuclear weapons as the
> >cornerstone of United States and NATO defence strategy is a clear violation
> >of the nuclear disarmament obligation in Article VI of the
> >Non-Proliferation Treaty, which was described in the 1996 Advisory Opinion
> >of the International Court of Justice as an obligation "to bring to a
> >conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects."
> >
> >     Therefore, as ethically concerned and law abiding citizens, we
> >acknowledge our duty and responsibility to confirm whether or not weapons
> >of mass destruction are stored in the area.  Thus, we are requesting a tour
> >of the base and access to all documentation that confirms whether or not
> >weapons of mass destruction or the delivery vehicles of any such weapons
> >are present on the base.
> >
> >     We also request access to inspect any nuclear weapons or their
> >delivery vehicles that may be present at Naval Submarine Base Bangor.
> >
> >     Once again, I wish to repeat our strong desire to meet with the
> >Commander of Naval Submarine Base Bangor on February 26 to discuss its
> >purpose and to learn more about the types of weapons systems that are
> >present at the base.
> >
> >     I trust that as the President of the United States, you will do all
> >that is necessary and appropriate to help ensure that the United States and
> >the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are abiding by international law and
> >norms.
> >
> >Yours Sincerely,
> >
> >Peter Coombes
> >President

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