>       By Alec Russell in Johannesburg 
>       In a nightmare for post-apartheid South Africa, former African 
>National Congress guerrillas have become disillusioned with their political 
>masters and turned to crime.


>From guerillas to criminals is a story well known to Nicaraguans.  The flip
side is the conversion of dictators into democrats.  See, for example, the
case of the former Argentine General Antonio Bussi, who is now governor of
the northern province of Tucuman (today on the NYT website).  All was smooth
sailing with Bussi until they found his swiss bank accounts.  Apparently the
money came from liquidating the assets of his "dirty war" victims.  This
only came to light becuase Spanish courts are inquiring into the fate of
some 600 citizens killed in Argentina during the "dirty war".

All of this (and much more, such as was suggested by my notes from Chile)
suggests the need for a human cost accounting system for processes of
"democratic transition" and "structural adjustment" (often they go together).


Tom Kruse / Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel/Fax: (591-42) 48242

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