Jim Craven wrote:

> Anarcho-Marxists? What's next? Communist Nazis or Nazi Communists?

The above sounds, whether intended or not, like an [ill-informed]    
insult to anarchists. To begin with, anarchists are part of the Left and
the workers' movement (and should in no way be confused with Nazis ... or
right-wing libertarians]. To refresh your memory, both anarchists and
communists were part of the First International (and the Paris Commune of
1871) rather than the Third Reich. 

Secondly, there have been currents within both anarchism and Marxism which
suggest that this alleged dichotomy between anarchism and Marxism is
misplaced. For instance, the council communists and, more recently,
autonomist Marxists. 

Thirdly, what makes this alleged dichotomy between Marxism and
anarchism a fallacy is that there are many "class struggle anarchists" and
(happily) more anti-authoritarian Marxists. Thus what has separated
anarchists and Marxists historically is narrowing.


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