
        You might want to look at:

Klein, Laura & Lilian Ackerman (eds.) Women and Power in Native North
America (1995 Norman, OK)

Bernstein, David J.  Prehistoric Subsistence on the Southern New England
Coast (1993 San Diego)

Simmons, Wm. S. The Narragansett (1989 NY)

Sharer, Robert  The Ancient Maya (5th ed. 1994)

Wallace, Anthony F. C.  The Death and Rebirth of the Seneca (1969)

Gerald Sider who is an anthropologist at CUNY Grad Center has written an
interesting book about the Lumbee Indians who were/are attempting to be
recognized as an official tribe by the US government.  It is:

Sider, Gerald  Lumbee Indian Histories: Race, Ethnicity and Indian
Identity in the Southern U.S.  (1993 NY)

The University of Oklahoma publishes quite a bit about the Indians of
North and Meso-America.  They probably have a web page.

Good luck,

Robert Saute

On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Doug Henwood wrote:

> Thanks to everyone who's supplied titles on Indians. Most have been about
> their decimation by the Europeans - I'm more interested in stuff about
> their social lives - work, kinship, property, etc. Any ideas?
> Doug

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