At 05:39 AM 1/9/98 -0600, valis wrote:
>Coming back to a lot of wheel-spinning after ~10 hours offline, I ought to
>agree, but it seems that everyone has talked around the core issue of sex-
>as-commodity, holding to different points with varying degrees of fervor.
>Suppose we retire this volatile subject with a simple vote on the question
>"Should a formal commerce in sexual favors be permitted under socialism?"? 
>No electioneering; there have been Ks and Ks of it already.

My answer is: exchaning sexual favors, as any other form of exchange
(sexual or otherwise), should be permitted under socialism.  Socialism is
not to limit exchange (which is the nature oif human relationship) but to
prevent the concentration of wealth resulting from those exchanges in
private hands, and allow equitable distribution of that wealth among those
who produce it.

wojtek sokolowski 
institute for policy studies
johns hopkins university
baltimore, md 21218
voice: (410) 516-4056
fax:   (410) 516-8233

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