In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, James Michael Craven
>But just as these privileged few don't speak for 
>me (also one of the "privileged few" in relative terms) and certainly
>do not speak for the part-time teachers or the grounds keepers, so no 
>hooker from Canberra can speak for all "sex workers"--like a teenage 
>Blackfeet girl in Great Falls or a sex slave in Patpong--just because 
>she is doing tricks and is a self-proclaimed "activist" for sex 

Surely nobody disagrees with the idea that sex-slavery or underage
prostitution is wrong. The sex-workers comments were not aimed at
coerced or non-consensual prostitution, but at prostitutes who bject to
being criminalised in the name of saving their honour.

James Heartfield

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