Sid Shniad forwarded the message,

>> Throughout this week (29th January-3rd February) the World Economic Forum,
>> the club of the foremost 1000 Transnational Corporations, is holding its
>> Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. During this period, hundreds of
>> actions are taking place in many different parts of the world to denounce
>> this event (1).
>> Are you going to organise an action? If yes, please describe it in a few

Yes. My action is called OPENING THE BOOKS ON THE BIG SIX. There are six big
multinational accounting firms that provide consultation to business and
government and that for all intents and purposes "regulate themselves" as
professionals. Two of the big firms, Price Waterhouse and Cooper Lybrand
have announced their intention of merging. If the merger goes ahead as
planned there will be five big firms. At the Davos Annual Meeting, Price
Waterhouse will release the results of its "Global Survey of CEOs".

As professionals, the accounting firms MUST heed the issues of social cost
accounting, no less than physicians MUST practice of medical hygeine to
prevent the iatrogenic spread of bacteria. If they do not, they are guilty
of professional malpractice and conspiracy to cover up malpractice on a
collosal scale.

My action will be to call attention to the role of the accounting profession
and the big accounting firms in defining what shows up on the "bottom line"
and, more imporantly, what doesn't. It is a lot easier to focus on these six
key corporations than on 1000.

Price Waterhouse
Coopers Lybrand
Arthur Anderson & Co.
Ernst & Young
Deloitte Touche

>What are the top-of-mind issues among CEOs of the world's leading companies?


>The Global CEO Survey will reveal those issues, on an annual basis.<BR>


>The Global CEO Survey is a new cooperative project of Price Waterhouse and
the World Economic Forum, an organization based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Each year, the Price Waterhouse Survey Research Center will conduct the
survey, collecting the perspective of hundreds of global CEOs on issues of
crucial interest to the international business community. The results then
will be released at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos,


><P>The Annual Meeting is known as the summit of summits. In attendance will
be more than 1,000 chief executives and other senior officers from the
world's largest corporations, as well as political leaders, scholars, and
members of the media.  For six days they gather to discuss topics of
greatest relevance to world business.


>The results of the first Global CEO Survey will be released at the World
Economic Forum's next Annual Meeting, to be held Thursday, January 29
through Tuesday, February 3, 1998.  Watch this website for complete

>In addition, the first copies of the new Price Waterhouse book, Straight
>From the CEO:  Global Business Leaders Reveal Ideas That Every Manager Can
Use, will be distributed at the 1998 Annual Meeting. The book presents some
of the best in current management thinking.  A team of Price Waterhouse
management consultants interviewed global CEOs who have outstanding track
records as change agents.  The result of their collaboration is this
collection of more than 30 essays, with themes drawn from CEOs' actual
experiences.  Cumulatively, the essays provide vivid detail about the key
ideas and insights these executives are using to lead and drive corporate
change from Bangkok to Oshkosh, from Dusseldorf to Dallas.


>Straight From the CEO will be in bookstores starting next March. To reserve
your copy NOW, simply fill out the online form.  You will be notified as
soon as the book is available for purchase.



Tom Walker
Know Ware Communications
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA
(604) 688-8296 
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