Hi, Jeff. Please clarify. Do you want me to label satirical pieces before 
posting them? Or do you want me not to post them? (I didn't understand
what "remove the braces" meant.)


> Sid:
> I love good satire. But I must object to posting unlabeled satirical
> pieces on pen-l. I do not have the time to worry about the authenticity
> of each item you present on pen-l. The more you post these pieces, the
> more skeptical I become of the other interesting articles you provide.
> The artistic value of "good" satire stands on its own, so please remove
> the braces.
> Jeff
>  ----------
> From: Sid Shniad
> Subject: Raped environment led polluters on, attorneys argue
> Date: Friday, January 23, 1998 6:11PM
> http://www.theonion.com                               January 21, 1998
> OLYMPIA, WA--In their opening statement before jurors Monday,
> defense attorneys representing Pacific North Construction & Lumber Corp.
> argued that their client was not at fault for the July 1997 rape of
> 30,000
> acres of virgin forest, claiming that the forest led the development
> company
> on with "an eager and blatant display of its rich, fertile bounty."
>       "While, obviously, it is extremely unfortunate that this forest
> was
> raped, it should have known better than to show off its lush greenery
> and
> tall, strong trees in the presence of my client if it didn't want
> anything to
> happen," said lead defense attorney Dennis Schickle, speaking before a
> courtroom packed with members of the media. "It's only natural for any
> red-blooded American developer to get ideas in its head when it's
> presented
> with that kind of untouched beauty."
>       "The bottom line is," Schickle continued, "if you're going to
> tease and
> encourage like that, openly flaunting your abundant natural resources,
> don't
> be surprised by the consequences."
>       Public opinion regarding the high-profile case, which is being
> closely
> watched by timber-industry lobbyists and victims' rights groups across
> the
> U.S., is deeply divided. While some contend that the forced ravaging of
> a
> piece of land until it is stripped bare is never justifiable under any
> circumstances, others say that such an action is understandable if the
> wooded area gives off mixed signals.
>       "The Pacific North Construction & Lumber Corp. had every reason
> to
> believe that that forest wanted it bad," said logger Victor Duffy of
> Chelan,
> WA. "Just look at where it was at the time of the incident: It was in a
> secluded, far-off place, nearly 25 miles from the nearest road. What
> were
> those trees doing in that kind of remote spot if they weren't looking
> for
> trouble?"
>       Those siding with the timber company also cite the forest's
> history,
> claiming that it has a reputation for being easily exploited.
>       "Believe me, this is no virgin forest," said Frank Abbate, owner
> of the
> Bellingham-based G&H Consolidated Timber. "It may try to pass itself off
> as pristine and untouched, but I know for a fact that it has a long
> history of
> allowing itself to be used by developers."
>       In his opening statement, defense attorney Schickle also pointed
> out
> that when Pacific North loggers arrived at the forest on the day in
> question,
> its floor was covered in alluring, fragrant flowers that were "clearly
> meant
> to attract."
>       "When a forest drapes itself in flora of every color and scent
> imaginable, it's obviously asking for it," Schickle said. "I'm sure the
> plaintiff
> will argue that these radiant flowers were meant to lure pollen-hungry
> bees,
> not pulp-hungry loggers. But how was my client supposed to know this?
> When was it made clear that this colorful display was meant to attract
> one
> particular species of fauna but no other? When was it made clear that
> this
> forest was looking to satisfy the needs of bees and bees only?"
>       Russell Belanger, president of the National Timber And Logging
> Association, agreed. "This forest made it seem like it wanted it, then
> cried
> environmental rape when it got it," he said. "At some point, we've got
> to
> start asking ourselves who the real victim is in these cases: our
> nation's
> promiscuous, manipulative forests, or the good, decent developers out
> there who are just trying to make an honest living razing the land."

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