The Micro$oft Monitor
Published by NetAction          Issue No. 22                January
28, 1998
Repost where appropriate. Copyright and subscription info at end of
* * * * * * *
In This Issue:
One Small Victory Over Microsoft
Campus Technology Takeover Still On Hold
About the Micro$oft Monitor

One Small Victory Over Microsoft
A report by Nathan Newman, NetAction Project Director

Advocates for open technology standards won a minor victory this past
week with Microsoft's agreement to honor the initial court order
pursued by the Department of Justice.  That initial court order
prohibits Microsoft from forcing computer makers to give Internet
Explorer automatic placement on every Windows desktop as a condition
for purchasing Windows itself.

Combined with Netscape's announcement that it will be giving Navigator
away free just like Explorer, there is now a glimmer of hope that
Microsoft's Internet juggernaut will be successfully challenged.

E-mail the Department of Justice to Expand the Investigation

**  Thank DOJ for its pursuit of Microsoft's monopoly abuses
**  Urge DOJ to expand the scope of its investigation

Send E-mail to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or link directly to a mail form:

For more information, contact Nathan Newman, at:
link directly to a mail form: <Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Keep in mind that this victory should be acknowledged for the rather minor
step forward that it is, since the agreement addresses the rather
gratuitous coercive tactics used by Microsoft.  The Department of Justice
has not yet fully addressed the monopolistic advantages Microsoft has that
makes coercive agreements a sideshow to the real economic power it has
within computing. 

The fact that Microsoft has chosen to give Explorer away has always marked
the fact that this is not a traditional battle for "market share" between
competing products, but rather a battle for technological and economic
control of far more than just browser software. 

NetAction has maintained that Microsoft should be barred from giving away
its software as a prima facie act of monopolistic dumping. 

On one hand, if Microsoft is serious that it's only concern is with
"integrating" Explorer into Windows 98, its history of free browser
software giveaways up to this point must be treated as predatory pricing
aimed at enhancing the value of its existing operating system monopoly. 
The very fact that Microsoft is integrating Explorer into Windows should
be a basis not only for exploring monopolistic practices in the marketing
of browser software, but in the sales and building of Microsoft's core
operating system itself.  By integrating various kinds of software into
its operating system, Microsoft has liquidated whole areas of software
competition while increasing the Windows "tax" it collects on nearly every
personal computer sold.  The absorption of Explorer into Windows would
make its giveaway of "free"  Explorer software expensive for consumers
over the long term if history is a guide. 

The Department of Justice is emphasizing the monopoly aspects of
Microsoft's marketing of Internet Explorer, but the proposed
integration with Windows 98 should be cause to reopen the broader
issue of Microsoft's monopoly of the whole desktop operating
environment.  NetAction has called on the DOJ to push for Microsoft to
spin off its operating system as a separate company from its
applications and Internet divisions.

At its heart, however, the controversy over browser software is about the
most fundamental power issues of the information age -- who will control
the technical standards that underlie the Internet and who will control
Internet commerce for the new century. 

Microsoft's approach to giving browsers away is about controlling
Internet standards embedded in the browser not in order to win shares
in that "product" market but to sell to a whole slew of other market
areas through the raw exercise of the control of technical standards,
rather than through competition in those areas.

Dumping browsers on the market for free is not about gaining "market
share" in any traditional sense, but about controlling those standards and
the billions of dollars that will flow to the company that controls them.
If the dominant Internet browser is designed not to "read" a certain kind
of information -- a kind of graphics, software effect, etc. -- then web
page designers will be loathe to use that kind of information or
technology, while they will have to support software standards that are
compatible with the dominant browser. And if you are a software company
like Microsoft selling web servers and web design software, and are also
involved in an array of Internet commerce, you have an overriding interest
in controlling those Web standards. 

The Department of Justice has to move beyond its particularistic
focus on browser software to vigorously support the principle of open
technical standards controlled by no single company.  Without the
possibility of developing proprietary standards, Microsoft will have
to compete based on innovation rather than raw economic power.

NetAction urges you to email the Department of Justice and ask them to
support the following principles:

1. Divestiture: At a minimum, Microsoft's Windows operating system
monopoly should be split off into a separate company from the
application and Internet divisions. This would end the inherent
opportunities for abuse of one company competing in application
markets while controlling the "field" of competition as well.  It may
also prove necessary to separate Microsoft's application and Internet

2. Restrain Predation: Stop Microsoft from giving away browser
products.  Since $0.00 is below any measure of cost, it meets the
traditional test for predatory pricing (sustaining below cost pricing
with monopoly profits in order to drive out competition and then raise

3. Licensing: Microsoft should be forced to discontinue any licensing
practices (NT, database server, etc.) that restrict customer dealings with
competitors or require customer use of Microsoft products.  Exclusive
dealing and tying the purchase of one product to purchase of another
should be unlawful for this monopolist where linked to the operating

4. Open Standards: The government should more vigorously support open
standards processes and endeavor to defend open standards developed
through industry standards processes from anticompetitive abuse by

5. Consumer Involvement: The government must establish processes to
ensure participation by Internet users in public policy decisions
effecting consumer use of the Internet, including appropriate
mechanisms for addressing complaints about product marketing and the
quality and reliability of Internet services.


Campus Technology Takeover Still On Hold

NetAction has other progress to report in the fight for open computing
standards.  Working with faculty, students and staff throughout the
state of California, NetAction has helped to rally opposition to
a technology deal that would give a for-profit corporation owned by
Microsoft, GTE, Hughes and Fujitsu monopoly control of technology at
the 360,000 student California State University (CSU) system.

After NetAction Program Director Nathan Newman and other CETI
opponents testified at a January 6 hearing of the state Legislature,
support for the CETI initiative was obviously shaken among

In a public letter to the CSU administration, California Assembly Members
Jim Cuneen and Debra Bowen called on CSU officials to radically revise
their technology plans for the university.  As the San Francisco Chronicle
reported on January 22, the legislators wrote, "As proposed, CETI may lock
the state into technological solutions that are likely to become obsolete
before the term of the agreement runs out. We want to encourage CSU to
move away from a process that effectively awards exclusive rights to any

Similarly, California Senate Majority Whip Leroy Greene wrote a letter to
CSU campus newspaper editors raising serious concerns about the CETI
proposal.  He specifically cited testimony by NetAction's Nathan Newman
that, "Given the size and importance of the California State University
system, CETI's monopoly nature will give Microsoft a massive strategic
advantage in its ongoing effort to monopolize global software and Internet
standards."  Senator Greene further noted that the Legislative Counsel's
analysis had highlighted four ways in which CETI violates the state

A second round of hearings on CETI is planned for the end of February, and
NetAction will continue to mobilize public pressure to assure that
California's universities remain a place of innovation and open standards,
not a private training ground for Microsoft technology. 


About The Micro$oft Monitor

The Micro$oft Monitor is a free electronic newsletter, published as part
of the Consumer Choice Campaign <>. 
NetAction is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to educating
the public, policy makers, and the media about technology-based social and
political issues, and to teaching activists how to use the Internet for
organizing, outreach, and advocacy. 

To subscribe to The Micro$oft Monitor, write to: 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  The body of the message should state:
<subscribe monitor>.  To unsubscribe at any time, send a message to:
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NetAction is seeking sponsors to provide financial support for the
continued publication of the Micro$oft Monitor.  Sponsors will be
acknowledged in the newsletter and on NetAction's Web site.  NetAction is
supported by individual contributions, membership dues and grants. 

For more information about contributing to NetAction, or sponsoring the
Micro$oft Monitor, contact Audrie Krause by phone: (415) 775-8674, by
E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, visit the NetAction Web site at: 
<>, or write to:
  NetAction * 601 Van Ness Ave.,  No. 631 * San Francisco, CA 94102

To learn more about how activists can use the Internet for grassroots
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Copyright 1998 by NetAction/The Tides Center.  All rights reserved.
Material may be reposted or reproduced for non-commercial use provided
NetAction is cited as the source.  NetAction is a project of The Tides
Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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