Dear Friends I'm a newcomer who wants to say hello, before leaving - which, I'm sorry, I must do quite soon. You-all are too prolific for me. I work for a non profit corp: Witnesses for a Sustainable Economy which is interested in exploring alternatives to an ever expanding economy, without further injury to the poor. My primary focus is what we've been calling a "Sane Economy" in which we advocate breaking the link between work and income. I wont explain it all now but if you'd like to see our newsletter: CONVERSATIONS on a Sane Economy and How to Get there, send me( at my personal Email address) your snail mail address. Also tell me if you'd like to be alerted when we launch an effort to approximate a Sane Economy on a mini- scale among ourselves. (We want a network of at least 1,000 people) I would like to invite comment on a few of our assumptions. Do you-all agree that our economy - as now consitituted - must expand or collapse.? Is this acknowledged across the political spectrum? I know the work of Herman Daly and Douthwaite's GROWTH ILLUSION. Can you suggest other books, accessible to laypersons, which explore and explain this? Do you agree as the above indicates, that economic growth is caused not only by population increase, but also by the inner dynamics of the economy itself.? Do you agree that the global economy is not sustainaible NOW, yet it continues to grow. So, too, must communist economies grow - as long as distribution is tied to the paying job. Given that productivity ever-increases and that the same product can be made by ever fewer people, a communist economy must also keep increasing its level of production in order to create paying jobs. Do you agree? Thanks for any thoughts you may want to share on this. Carla Rabbi Carla Theodore Executive Director Witnesses for a Sustainable Economy