valis wrote:

> Gar Lipow ended his post thus:
> > President Clinton is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > VP Al Gore is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Madeline Albright is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > [etc.]
> > I know we've had forwards on peace groups and demonstrations and such
> > lately -- all extremely important. But I bet no activist out there
> > objects to this addition.
> Leaving aside whether or not my calloused fingertips qualify me as
> an activist,

You know better than I how to classify yourself.

> I must say that, yes, I do object to all such last-minute
> appeals to the very scum at the heart of this game.

All right  Presumably your next sentences will tell me why

>  We've had months
> and years to probe for the existence of kindred spirits among the vets
> and adherents of the putative right/far right

I know that the Fellowship Of Reconciliation at least has been doing this, with
more success among vets than among the right/far right. Did you try this? What
kind of response did you get?


> .  I think some of us are,
> however, too attached instead to fantasies of instructing Congressional
> committees in their Marxist ABCs and other convivial acts of common cause.

When you say "us", you must have a mouse in your pocket, because none of my
fantasies involve government officials of any type.

> We never learn that _every_ gesture toward the center of power gives it
> additional strength.

No matter which finger you use?

>                                                                    valis

As the bastards in charge  move from murdering the people of Iraq though
starvation and deprivation of medical supplies to murdering them through bombs.
are you saying we should not escalate our opposition by all means possible --
including letters?

>       -- To those who, shocked to death, now arrive at 6:30
>          for Manpower's morning shape-up, I can only ask:
>          Where was your political interest when a tube
>          and a six-pack were the bookends of your life? --

So -- better never than late?

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