Valis had some very kind things to say about Canada in response to the
comments of General MacKenzie.

For the record, the Liberal government in Ottawa is sucking up to
Washington big time, proving itself a loyal sycophant when Uncle Sam
starts rattling the sabers. (A caller on a talk show I heard a couple of
days ago wanted to know where Canadian outrage was hiding when Bush
murdered a couple of thousand Panamenos in the Noriega caper.)

Here is a comment from someone on another list.


> Progressive citizens of Canada and Australia would do well to concern
> themselves with the toady-like behavior of these two governments in sucking
> up to the U.S. war fever. It won't do us much good to mobilize against
> measures like MAI if we are at the same time helpless to affect potential
> mass murder in pursuit of the same political and economic interests. Or at
> least some of them.
> frank scott

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