Sid -- your own forward says this whole "not signing" thing was a trick. They had 
given up getting a final deal in April months ago. The announcement is just to 
accomplish three things:

1) trick all the groups opposing MAI into thinking they have won, to drop the anti-MAI 
2) win an in-house turf struggle with the State Department,
3) get a better deal for the U.S. at the expense of other signatories.

Given that, why continue to argue methodology? Again, your own forward from Lori 
Wallach warns that it is just a way of using a minor truth (that the treaty won't be 
signed in April) to spread a major lie (that MAI is in big trouble). Your forward also 
pointed out that similar lies were used to cool opposition to NAFTA , and other trade 



Sid Shniad wrote:

> Bill, I have a methodological question: why is there a single "real
> reason" involved? This implies that the real actors are capitalists and
> that the actions of the little folk in striking, demonstrating,etc. are
> merely incidental. Or am I missing something?
> Sid
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 13 Feb 1998, Sid Shniad wrote, on why the US has said they will
> > not sign the MAI:
> >
> > > Maybe they were looking for a way to save face by backing out this way
> > > Marty, rather than acknowledging the enormous ground swell of opposition
> > > to the damned thing.
> >
> > Isn't it more likely due to differences between imperialists? This may
> > include each's margin of manuever in dealing with pressure from
> > below, but the real reason is their rivalry.
> >
> > Bill Burgess
> >
> >

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