Dear friends,

        Those who have been following Louis' posts on ecology will be
interested in knowing that the 1998 Socialist Scholars Conference will
feature a panel on "Marxist Contributions to Ecological Theory" with

        John Bellamy Foster, University of Oregon
        Stephen Jay Gould, Harvard University
        Joan Roelofs, Hampshire College

It has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday morning March 21.  The
Conference will be held at the usual place, Borough of Manhattan Community
College, 199 Chambers Street in New York City from March 20 to 22.

        For more information about the Socialist Scholars Conference,
check out our web page at  

        or email the Conference at


Hope to see you (and many young people) there,

Robert Saute

On Sat, 21 Feb 1998, Louis Proyect wrote:

> Any young person who was becoming politicized around ecological issues
> would find Boucher's argument deeply repellent. As it turns out, tens of
> thousands of young people have developed inchoate anticapitalist ideas
> because of what corporations have been doing to dolphins and other
> endangered species. If you gave that young person a sample of Boucher's
> prose, they'd retreat in horror. There is empirical evidence for the sort
> of disjunction between Marxism and the young generation I am describing.
> Next month many of us will attend the annual Socialist Scholars Conference
> in New York, where we will see about a thousand middle-aged white people.
> Inevitably we will turn to an old friend and say something like, "God,
> everybody is so OLD."
> Meanwhile, at a conference on globalization held at the Riverside Church 2
> years ago, there were twice as many participants and the average age was
> probably in the mid-20s. I have no doubt that if you asked the average
> attendee what the official Marxist position on ecology was, they'd say it
> was something like the position that Boucher puts forward.
> Louis Proyect

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