Brief excerpt from opinion piece on the Globe and Mail Op-Ed page, 
February 10, 1998

Bomb Baghdad? Canada should opt out

        By Lewis MacKenzie


My experience with sanctions has convinced me that they don't work -- 
unless you are trying to make life miserable for the general population of a 
country without any concern for the long-term consequences.  They were a 
failure in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq, if anything, they have 
solidified the population's contempt for the West.  If conservative estimates 
are to be believed, as many as 5,000 Iraqi children are dying each month as 
a result of UN sanctions.  I, for one, am more than a little uncomfortable 
with that statistic, and bombing Baghdad will only make matters worse.

Retired Canadian Major General Lewis MacKenzie was the first United 
Nations forces commander in Sarajevo in 1992.

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