More on Chile, this time from the trenches.  The following is a note from a
friend there; his English is excellent because he spent many years in exile
in England and Ireland.


Estimado: Things are getting rather exciting around here. For the first time
in a very long time a wide spectrum of political forces have united in their
efforts to prevent Pinochet from becoming a senator for life. It is clear to
us that he will eventually take his seat in parliament on March 11th, for
the current  balance of power does not favour us. However, Pinochet's
decision to continue playing an active part in politics( formally that is,
for he has never relinquished power) has backfired, for it has made ordinary
people  realise, for the first time, that our so called democracy is far
from being perfect.  In fact, it stinks, it's nothing but a "democradura", a
surrealist cross between democracy and dictatorship typical of  Latin America.

In short, Pinochet will become a senator, but the political cost of so doing
will be very high. People have began to organize and several political and
citizens'organizations have already been created. For us, the Left, the
Pinochet issue is nothing but a detail. It has been  useful to gather
strength, unite and mobilize people, but we are very much aware that many of
those who oppose Pinochet have their own political agendas ( Putting forward
names/ candidates for the 1999 presidential election). Also, we know that
many of those who are willing to organize today and mobilize against
Pinochet, are not leftwing people and as such will not necessarily support
an alternative form of government and society. 

Anyway, people are angry, a massive demonstration is being planned for March
11th in Vaparaíso and Santiago. Here in Valpo, toilet paper with Pinochet's
face printed on it it´s being distributed in public places (restaurants,
bars,etc,.) A million signatures are being collected to protest against
Pinochet's shameless action. The Association of Ex Prisoners of War of
Valparaiso was set up a few days ago in order to fight against impunity and
recover our collective memory. 

Well Tom, as I said , things are getting excited around here. This also
implies danger, for you never know what the Armed Forces are prepared to do
in order to preserve their power (or the government for that matter). I have
the feeling that the March 11th demonstration will turn violent and a lot of
people will get injured or be killed by the police. As you can see, little
has changed in our country....

Un abrazo y cariños...


Tom Kruse / Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel/Fax: (591-42) 48242

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