A friend writes:

>I went up to Danbury CT Federal penitentiary with [] and some of
>activist friends (She's beginning a 6 month term for an SOA arrest).  Two of
>them said how much they hate Holly Near's "Gentle Angry people" and I said I
>knew someone who knew a parody, but I could only remember the "whining,
>whining all the time" part.  Do you remember the rest?

I responded:

That's all there is.

But it's easy enough to make up words.

We are maladjusted people
And we are whining, whining all the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime (make sure to 
really whine and draw out the vowel as you sing this -- also on the i of 

We're annoying and self-righteous,
And we are whining, whining all the time!

You can't do a thing to stop us,
Cuz we are whining, whining all the time!

We are tall and short together,
And we are whining, whining all the time!

We will never take a shower
Cuz we are whining, whining all the time!

We buy things from Guatemala,
And we are whining, whining all the time!

We love cats and other creatures
And we are whining, whining all the time!

We would never join a union
Cuz we are whining, whining all the time!

We'll keep making up new verses
And we are whining, whining all the time!

etc. make up your own verses. I made 9. Now you make up some, and have the 
folks in Danbury make some, and we'll put it all together.
I figured I would open this up to folks on Pen-L. Send me your verses. Send 
them directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so as not to clutter the list, and I 
will collate the best ones and send them back to anyone who so requests.

I would also be interested in similar spoofs. I've always been meaning to do 
the job on "somos el barco," but I've never got around to it.

Robert Naiman

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