> Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 15:09:15 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Volunteer Opportunities in Mexico
> ***Volunteer Opportunities in Mexico***
> The Global Exchange Mexico Program is seeking short- and long-term* volunteers 
>interested in working on human rights issues in southern Mexico and Mexico City. If 
>you or someone you know is interested in the various opportunities described below, 
 see the contact information at the end of this message.
> Our project in Chiapas is based at the International Peace Center in San Cristóbal 
>de las Casas which hosts human rights delegations to the area and serves as a 
>resource for international volunteers and people interested in learning about 
>Chiapas. In ad
dition to participating in the work of the Peace Center, volunteers work in Peace 
Camps under the guidance of the human rights organization Fray Bartolomé de las Casas 
to participate in observing and documenting local conditions. 
> Volunteers play two principle roles: to help deter human rights abuses and to 
>provide credible, carefully gathered information for use by the international 
>community as a basis for news updates and human rights urgent action alerts. 
>International human 
rights support is particularly important in light of the ongoing violence in Chiapas 
that has cost hundreds of lives over the last two years-including the recent massacre 
of 45 civilians in the village of Acteal. 
> In some cases, volunteers provide accompaniment to individuals and organizations 
>whose safety is threatened. We also arrange a limited number of placements in 
>internships with human rights organizations in Mexico City.
> *Short-term means 6-8 weeks minimum; we place short-term volunteers only in Chiapas. 
>Long-term means 6 months or more.
> In 1998 we are extending our volunteer program beyond Chiapas and Mexico City. We 
>recently began placing volunteers in Guerrero and Oaxaca under the guidance of the 
>Red Nacional de Derechos Humanos "Todos los Derechos para Todos" and one of several 
>of i
ts member human rights organizations in Oaxaca and Guerrero including: (in Oaxaca) the 
Centro de Derechos Humanos "Los Principios" and the Centro de Derechos Indígenas "Flor 
y Canto" in Oaxaca City, and Nuú Ji Kandíí ("Tierra del Sol") in Tlaxiaco; (in Gu
errero) the Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña in Tlapa, the Comisión de 
Derechos Humanos "La Voz de los Sin Voz" in Coyuca de Benítez, and the Instituto 
Guerrerense de Derechos Humanos in Chilpancingo.
> Volunteers in Oaxaca and Guerrero work to assist local human rights organizations in 
>their effort to establish a base of international communication and support. Other 
>activities may include: assisting local human rights organizations with their day-to-
day operations; accompaniment and observation work (depending on the need and 
circumstances in a given community); and assisting in the overall effort of national 
human rights organizations and networks to systematize the reporting of human rights 
 Volunteers may also be asked to help coordinate occasional international human rights 
delegations that visit the region in which they are working.
> To participate in one of our volunteer programs you must:
> * be fluent in Spanish
> * have previous experience living or traveling for extended periods abroad
> * have a background in international relations, peacemaking work and/or community 
> * have a working knowledge of current political, economic and social conditions in 
>Mexico and the specific region where you will be working
> * be able to work well in a team
> * be in good physical and mental health
> * be able to support yourself (US$250-300 per month estimated minimum)
> For more information about the new additions to our volunteer program or for 
>information on volunteering in Chiapas or Mexico City, please direct inquiries to:
> Global Exchange, Attn.: Ted Lewis, 2017 Mission St., Suite 303, San Francisco, CA 
>94110; Tel.: (415) 255-7296 ext. 236; Fax: (415) 255-7498
> E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (E-mail users: please include your physical 
>address and phone number with inquiries.)
> end
> -------------------------------------
> Global Exchange
> 2017 Mission St., Rm. 303
> San Francisco, CA 94110
> Phone: 415.255.7296 Fax: 415.255.7498
>  http://www.globalexchange.org
> ______________________________________________________________________

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