>I believe it was Jonathan Edwards, the Boston-area folkie (not
>colonial-era preacher) who penned a song about Jack Johnson and the
>Titanic.  If I remember correctly, there were some nasty lines about Jews
>in the song, but on that I could be wrong.  Otherwise, it was a catchy
>Robert Saute
>On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, J Cullen wrote:
>> I believe there was a blues/gospel song about the sinking of the Titanic.
>> Supposedly Jack Johnson was refused a fare on the Titanic by the owner who
>> said "This ship doesn't haul coal."
>> >One important aspect of the Titanic disaster not mentioned in the film
>> >or on the list:
>> >
>> >The White Star Line made a particular point of not hiring any Black
>> >workers, even porters or coal stokers, who were common on other
>> >steamships.  The sinking was celebrated in African-American communities
>> >as an act of  retribution, probably one of the first examples of what
>> >now might been called the "O.J. Simpson phenomenon."

there was an old song by Leadbelly, and a more recent one by Sparky Rucker.
Neither mentioned Jews, as far as I can recall.  Also, the White Star Line
wouldn't hire Catholics to work on constructing the ship, even though it
was built in Dublin.
Tom Wood

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