Quoth Dennis Redmond, in part:
>         ..............................                 Barring a
> generalized worldwide credit meltdown, which I think no First World
> government in its right (or Left) mind would permit nowadays, it could be
> that we're seeing a two-stage process, where the Central European core
> will lock in the euro and then, once the thing has greater credibility
> further down the road and weathers whatever nastiness the Pacific meltdown
> has in store for the world economy, the semi-peripheries will be slowly
> locked into orbit around Starship Europa (we'll know it's a done deal
> when Soros starts frantically buying up Czech koruna/Hungarian forint).

In 1977, through a chance role of the social dice I ended up spending
a few days with a family that had been, one way or another, part of the
American occupation forces Imperium almost without interruption since
V-E Day.  Its adult members spent most of their time drinking or shopping. 
During a spell of the former activity I mentioned that in nearly 2 months
in Germany I had been unable to find anyone under ~60 who expected to 
awaken in a tidal wave of Soviet tanks a few weeks after the US Army's
departure.  Further, I argued that NATO should be turned into - if anything
at all - an exclusively political alliance, and at once.

These Virginia Junkers stared at me in utter amazement, as though I were
some barnyard animal that had somehow acquired the power of human speech.
Today, Germany having conquered Europe without firing a shot, Neanderthals
of this ilk face the dual purgatory of irrelevance both there and here,
since they forged their links - early and well - with what is now the
wrong class of Germans.  I think of them whenever I hear that a few more 
boys and their toys have been sent to Kuwait, that pearl of democracy.


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