William S. Lear wrote:

> Nothing like a little exaggeration to help one's argument, is there?

Oh, yeah? Try this for size, from today's London Times (note the final
optimistic sentence). As for Doug Henwood's false optimism, since you share the
same disease (myopia) to an even greater degree, you naturally don't even notice
it: besides, Doug is subtle.


Antarctic unleashes a titanic

  AN ICEBERG 25 miles long and three miles
  wide is floating in the Southern Ocean as an
  Antarctic ice shelf falls apart. The break-up was
  predicted by scientists at the British Antarctic
  Survey two months ago, but the speed of the
  change has taken experts by surprise. Some
  blame global warming.

  The climate of the Antarctic peninsula has
  become 2.5C warmer since the 1940s, causing
  the ice shelves to start melting. In February, the
  British team predicted that the Larsen B shelf,
  measuring 7,500 square miles, was nearing its
  stability limit and could begin to break up.

  Photographs taken from a polar-orbiting satellite
  operated by the US National Oceanic and
  Atmospheric Administration have now
  confirmed that a large portion of the shelf has
  vanished. A spokeswoman for the British
  Antarctic Survey, which based its predictions on
  computer models, said: "The Antarctic peninsula
  is experiencing a regional warming, but that's not
  happening in the rest of the continent, and
  no-one understands why.

  "It doesn't mean that we are immediately going
  to see sea levels rise. The world is not in any

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